The best concrete repair method depends on the type of damage. Surface stains can usually be removed with stain-fighting products or pressure washing.
Extensive cracking that affects structural integrity, however, may require replacement rather than repair. Contact Concrete Repair Dallas now!

It is important to figure out what caused the problem, prep the area properly and use a repair method that will last.
The most effective concrete crack repair method is crack stitching. This technique involves reinforcing the concrete with helical steel bars that are grouted across the cracks to add strength and stability. While it can’t cure the underlying problem causing the cracking, it is an excellent way to stabilize the cracked masonry wall and prevent further movement. This type of structural reinforcement is commonly used on foundation walls and basement walls, but it can be used on any poured concrete wall that needs strengthening or repair.
Stitching can be used to repair a wide range of cracks, including horizontal and vertical wall cracks, as well as stepped cracks. It is particularly useful for repairing cracks that are expanding or pulling apart, and it can be used on retaining walls, basement walls, swimming pools, and concrete floors. It is also a great solution for re-leveling concrete slabs, as it will stop the cracks from spreading further.
Unlike grind and fill, crack stitching offers long-term durability. Its ability to withstand Arizona’s harsh climate and soil conditions is a major benefit. Additionally, it is a less-invasive repair method that can preserve decorative concrete elements and avoid costly replacement.
While there are many different types of concrete crack repair methods, not all can offer the longevity that crack stitching provides. Grind and fill is a quicker process that addresses surface issues, but it doesn’t tackle the root cause of the cracking. This method is also not a good choice for areas with expansive soils.
Carbon fiber stitches are a high-quality concrete crack repair option that is designed to last. They are much stronger than stainless steel staples and have a larger surface area to increase bonding strength. The holding strength of concrete stitching products depends on the amount of carbon that is bonded to the concrete. This means that a higher-quality product will have more carbon surface area and therefore will hold the crack better than a cheaper product.
This method is best suited for horizontal and vertical wall cracks, stair step cracks, and cracks in retaining walls. The crack stitching bars are inserted into holes that are drilled on both sides of the crack, and then chemically bonded to the wall with WHO60 grout. The helical bars are then grouted into the wall, stitching across the cracks to reconnect the masonry on both sides.
Epoxy Injections
A popular repair technique for addressing cracks in concrete foundation walls, structural elements and other structures, epoxy injections effectively weld the crack together to restore the structure’s integrity and load-bearing capacity. In addition, the epoxy’s high bond strength helps to reduce future movement in the cracked structure that can lead to additional damage and a loss of strength and stability.
Proper identification of the cause of the cracking is important to ensure that the appropriate crack repair method is used. Depending on the condition of the concrete element, and the type and extent of the damage, other methods may be more suitable than epoxy injections. For example, cracks that are caused by frequent loading and seismic events may require techniques beyond the scope of epoxy crack injections.
Before the application of epoxy paste-over or crack injection, it is important that the surface to be treated is clean. The crack surface and surrounding concrete must be free of dust, dirt, grease, oil and standing water. Cleaning can be done by wire brushing, vacuuming, pressure washing or grinding the area. After the crack surface is clean, injection ports are mounted in the concrete. Surface ports are placed in a grid pattern, overlapping with each other by about 1/2 inch. Sealboss 4500 crack-sealer epoxy paste is applied to the concrete surface between and around each port.
The injection process begins by pushing the head of each port into place until it clicks. Then the injector tube is connected to the port. The injection equipment is then set to automatically pump epoxy into the crack based on a pre-programmed schedule.
When the injection process is complete, the epoxy injection ports are removed. It is important that the injection epoxy is not pulled too quickly or it can dislodge the injection ports from the concrete surface. Epoxy paste-over should be a minimum of 1/4″ thick extending at least 1″ away from the base of each injection port.
Epoxy injections are one of the best solutions for concrete crack repair. However, this is a specialized procedure that requires professional expertise to execute properly and according to industry standards.
Hydraulic Cement
Hydraulic cement is one of the more common concrete repair products. It is typically a powder mix that requires water to activate it and initiate a chemical reaction. It can be used in many construction and repair projects, from patching cracks to repairing swimming pool structures. Often, hydraulic cement is modified with additives that speed curing, stop water or adhere to surfaces more effectively.
The main ingredients of hydraulic cement are alite, belite and celite. These are all forms of dicalcium silicate, which react with water to form calcium silicate hydrate. The hydrate is comprised of multitudes of tiny fibers that provide the strength and durability of hydraulic cement. These fibers also allow it to bond with masonry structures and resist chemicals, heat and other environmental factors that can damage cement.
There are several types of hydraulic cements on the market, each suited to different conditions and repairs. For example, QUIKRETE (r) Hydroplug hydraulic cement is designed to seal leaks instantly in concrete and masonry surfaces, and it can be used above or below ground. It is ideal for underwater applications and will work well in temperatures down to freezing. Other hydraulic cements include high sulfate-resistant hydraulic cement, which is useful in seawater-exposed concrete structures. This type of hydraulic cement has a slightly longer curing time, but the extra effort is worth it to reduce the chance of corrosive salts damaging a concrete structure.
While hydraulic cement can be an effective solution for some cracked concrete repair jobs, it is not a permanent fix. While it can fill a crack and stop running water, it only creates a seal at the surface of the concrete. The seal will loosen over time as the crack moves, shrinks or expands and it will likely allow water back into the foundation.
A professional basement waterproofing contractor will use a combination of methods to permanently fix a cracked concrete foundation. This may include a combination of urethane injections, hydraulic cement and crack stitching. By understanding how each method works and the advantages and limitations of each, homeowners can make a more informed decision when selecting a company to handle their concrete repair project.
Bonding Agents
Bonding agents are an essential part of concrete repair. They help the new layer of concrete adhere to the old one, increasing impact resistance and elevating freeze-thaw stability. They are also effective for reducing surface cracks and voids in the existing concrete. There are several different types of bonding agents, each with its own specific properties. For example, epoxy bonding agents offer exceptional strength and durability while cementitious bonding agents are made of a combination of concrete and polymers. Cementitious bonding agents are also resistant to chemicals and water, making them ideal for use in harsh environments.
Before you apply any bonding agent, make sure the old concrete surface is clean and free of dust and debris. If it isn’t, the bonding agent will likely fail and the adhesive layer won’t stick. This can lead to costly repairs down the road. Depending on the type of bonding agent, you may need to scrub, vacuum or power wash the surface before it can be properly prepared.
Next, you need to read the label of the bonding agent and follow the instructions carefully. Some need to be diluted with water, while others can be applied directly. Typically, you will apply the bonding agent using a brush, rag or roller. For larger areas, a sprayer can be used. Once the bonding agent is dry and tacky, it can be topped with the new layer of concrete.
Roc prim is a great option for concrete surfaces that will be exposed to heavy traffic, such as walkways and driveways. It can be mixed with cement to form a bonding slurry and acts as a moisture barrier. This makes it the best choice for concrete surfaces that will be subjected to heavy foot traffic.
Roc prim can also be used to bond concrete to steel substrates and protect them against corrosion. This is especially important in areas where the concrete cover is low or in the presence of chlorides. It is also ideal for bonding concrete repair mortars to exposed reinforcement steel. This will help to reduce the number of times the reinforcement needs to be removed and replaced, which will save time and money for the contractor.